Category Archives: Newsletter

February 2025 Newsletter

Reminder: Membership Meetings

This is a reminder that, if you would like to be involved in our Council’s decision-making or have ideas that might be benefical to our mssion, to attend our upcoming Membership Meeting on Tuesday evening, February 11th at 7:00 PM at the St. Peter’s Residence House in Suquamish. Our following meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 11th.

We will discuss events and activities for the upcoming months and would value your input and suggestions as we move forward. Thanks to everyone for all your support.

Our Officers

Chaplain – Father Albert Arulappan
Grand Knight – David Meier
Deputy Grand Knight – Mark Maruda
Chancellor – Vacant
Advocate – John Rebar
Recorder – David Graves
Financial Secretary – Larry Devlin
Treasurer – Roy Behling
Warden – Leo Beer
Inside Guard- Vacant
Outside Guard – Vacant
Trustee 3 Year – John Wahlfors
Trustee 2 Year – Alan Arnesen
Trustee 1 Year – Gary Fahey
Lecturer- Gary Fahey

Pancake Breakfast

On Sunday, February 2nd, we will hold our next pancake breakfast. We thank those who were able to help out during last event. We now support breakfast for both the 8:00 Mass and the 10:30 AM Mass. We will need extra help for both Mass times. Setup will begin at 6:30 AM, serving at 9:00 AM, cleaning and re-setup at 10:30 AM, then serving and clean up at 11:30 AM. With sufficient help, we should be able to be finished with cleanup by about 1:30 PM. Please come join us during some or all of those phases. We need you!

We are especially thanful for the several of our newest members for their enthusiasm and willingness to help with this important parish ministry.

Roadside Cleanup Effort

On Saturday, February 15th, we will plan for a KC HELP Roadside Cleanup effort. So, for those interested, please meet at the Saint Olaf Parish parking lot at 9:00 AM. If we have a great turnout, we should be able to be completed by 1:00 PM.

New Members

We held a Charity, Unity, and Fraternity Exemplification for seven new members who joined our Council on Tuesday, January 28th at St. Olaf’s: Tom Collette, Mark David, Jonathan Jordan, Victor Golcher, Oscar Hurtado, Mark Meyer, and Richard Rebar. Holy Trinity Council brought one other gentleman who joined their Council at our Exemplification. We were honored by the presence of our State Deputy, Greg Mahoney, our State Membership Director, Mike Rutland, and by the presence of the families of the new members.

The honoree for this exemplication was our Charter Grand Knight Tony DeCarlo.

Reminder: Dues and Donations

We still have several members who have not yet paid their dues, which were due and payable on January 15. If you are among those who have not yet paid, please do so as soon as possible.

For your convenience, we have several payment options:

  • By check, made out to Knights of Columbus Council 8279 and either mailed to Larry Devlin at 15975 Lindsey Lane NE, Poulsbo, WA 98370 or personally delivered, e.g., at church or a Council meeting.
  • By credit card using our form at or by via QR Code.
  • By going to our Council’s website at and clicking on the “Pay Your Council Dues” link on the right side of the page.
  • By calling me at 360-981-3179 and providing your credit card info for Larry Devlin to input the payment information.

Pennies for Heaven is a fund that supports our Seminarians and encourages vocations. The goal is to give “a penny a day, a prayer a day” for this purpose. Our Council has contributed at least $3.65 per member each year for the past several years to this fund and we appreciate your generosity that allows us to continue to do so. Last year, our members contributed almost $500 toward the support of seminarians. Well done!

LAMB is a program that assists organizations in our local communities that serve those who are most in need, such as the homeless, the hungry, the disabled, the uneducated, and for pro-life. The State Council’s goal is that every member donate $18.82 per year for LAMB, commemorating the year 1882 when the Knights of Columbus was founded. We have rounded that up to $20. Last year, our members contributed almost $1,000 to this important fund and we thank you for that!

On behalf of the Council Officers, we would like to express our appreciation for your continued and timely payment of dues last year! As you know, your very nominal dues are needed for the Council to be able to in turn, pay our per capita obligations to both the Supreme Council and the Washington State Council. This keeps both you and the Council in “good standing” which means that all of our fraternal benefits remain in effect. Your dues are also important and essential contributions to the production of Columbia Magazine, which you receive each month, Catholic advertising, and for Culture of Life causes.

We also ask you to update your contact information and your next-of-kin details. You can do this online using this link

If you are a 4th Degree Member, you may also pay your Assembly dues online at


Our Brother Knight volunteers work tirelessly every day to assist people in need of specialized equipment as they deal with the physical effects of aging or recovery from surgeries or accidents. It’s difficult to adequately express the immense gratitude that we see day in and day out and to imagine how these people might have dealt with their difficult circumstances had KC HELP not been available to assist them. If this is something you would like to be involved in, please contact us at 360-981-3179 to join our other Brother Knights in this essential work.

In the last 12 Months KC HELP has provided 4,560 items to 2,262 people totaling $1,339,575 in value, $1,688,852 when including hours and mileage.

Inception to date KC HELP has provided 11,952 items to 6,391 people totaling $3,598,720
in value, $4,083,786 when including hours and mileage.

Two members of our Council, Matthew French and Larry Devlin, along with GK Matthew Thompson of Council 6707 in Port Orchard and our PGK Eric Chamberlin now of Council 12251 on Bainbridge Island recently installed a full-sized room lift to assist a family in caring for their 29-year old granddaugher who has been disabled since birth.

Knight of the Month

We recognized Fr. Mark Kiszelewski as our November Knight of the Month for his support as he manages the consolidation of our Parish Family through the Archdiocese’s Partners in the Gospel. We very much appreciate his hard work beyond providing spiritual direction for all of us! Thank you Fr. Mark!

Family of the Month

We recognized Storm and Caroleen Smole as our November Family of the Month. They spent several hours doing a lot of hard work preparing the St. Peter’s Parish house for the reception following the Memorial Mass for our departed Brother Knights. Their work was very much appreciated by all who attended.

Good of the Order

Pray for the health of all our Council’s Brother Knights as our members’ age demographic continues to increase. Specific prayer recipients are our Parish Family Priests Fr Mark Kiszelewski and Fr Albert Arulappan.

Pray for the health of Gavin Dewitt’s father-in-law, Mark Stearns, John Ogilvie, Ellen Strickland, Mary Therese Bartlett, Leigh Bartlett, Julie Beer, Karen Behling, Tony DeCarlo, Larry Devlin’s sister-in-law Gloria Devlin, Gary Fahey, Jerry Goodwin, Steve Murray, Emmanual Rivas, Storm Smole, Nancy Rogers, Theresa Spiess, Bob Tomas, Glennyce Thomas, friend (fighting cancer) of John Rebar. Also, we are praying for Jim Kellogg of Council 6706 and a KC HELP volunteer who recently suffered his second stroke.

Please pray for our service men (particularly council members) and service women and our many KC HELP clients.

We also would like to keep Christina Lara and Gabby McCracken in our prayers as they fulfill their FOCUS missions.

Handy Council-Related Links

If you would like a handy set of Council-related links that you can add to your phone’s home page, try this:

January 2025 Newsletter

Reminder: Membership Meetings

This is a reminder to attend our upcoming Membership Meeting on Tuesday evening, January 14th at 7:00 PM at the St. Peter’s Residence House in Suquamish. Our meeting next month will be held on Tuesday, February 11th.

We will discuss upcoming events and activities for the upcoming months and would value your input and suggestions as we move forward. Thanks to everyone for all your support.

Our officers:

Chaplain – Father Albert Arulappan
Grand Knight – David Meier
Deputy Grand Knight – Mark Maruda
Chancellor – Vacant
Advocate – John Rebar
Recorder – David Graves
Financial Secretary – Larry Devlin
Treasurer – Roy Behling
Warden – Leo Beer
Inside Guard- Vacant
Outside Guard – Vacant
Trustee 3 Year – John Wahlfors
Trustee 2 Year – Alan Arnesen
Trustee 1 Year – Gary Fahey
Lecturer- Gary Fahey

Congratulations to Mark Maruda who was elected as Deputy Grand Knight and for Alan Arnesen who was elected as Trustee 2nd Year. Both were voted upon during the December Membership Meeting on December 10. Thanks to these gentlemen, we have almost completely filled our slate of Officers!

Pancake Breakfast

On Sunday, January 5th, we will hold our next pancake breakfast. We thank those who were able to help out during last event. Our next breakfast will encompass both the 8:00 Mass and the 10:30 AM Mass. We will need extra help for both Mass times. Setup will begin at 6:30 AM, serving at 9:00 AM, cleaning and re-setup at 10:30 AM, then serving and clean up at 11:30 AM. With sufficient help, we should be able to be finished with cleanup by about 1:30 PM. The Seahawks shouldn’t be a distraction since their year is over but set your DVDs to record the any other games of interest and come join us during some or all of those phases. We need you!

Coffee and Donuts

Serving literally hundreds of our fellow parishioners every Sunday are three of our brother knights, Jim Hopper, Alan Amesen and Mark Maruda. The two Hansville neighbors, Jim and Alan, make sure the donuts & coffee social times go smoothly without a glitch! Regular coffee, condiments, decaf coffee, chairs set up and masters of the dishwasher, they get these and other details done every Sunday. Jim handles the 8 AM mass and Alan the 10:30 AM mass. Mark Maruda also steps in to help with the transition between the two Masses and checks on everything.

Next time you are enjoying the donuts and coffee let them know we appreciate their volunteer spirit. If you want to join their team, they would be happy to show you the ropes.

Christmas Food Drive

Here is a gracious note from Mike DeAscentiis regarding our food drive last month:

“Good Morning, I wanted to thank everyone who helped with the food drive in December and those who helped with SVDP’s holiday baskets. The food collected from the drive was set up in the back of the social hall and gave the families receiving baskets an opportunity to get a couple extra bags. The remaining food was taken to Fishline, 1,007 pounds was dropped off, WOW! Again a Huge thank you! I want to wish everyone a very Blessed and Merry Christmas.”

Mike DeAscentiis
Treasurer, SVDP

It was a cold, windy, rainy day but our efforts resulted in a completely packed KC HELP trailer that benefited both our own St. Vincent de Paul conference but also our local Fishline foodbank. The toal load was at least 1 ton along with $328 in monetary donations. Many thanks to those who joined us: Jake Steiner and his lady Allison Simmons, Brian Tucker, Mark Maruda, David Meier, Roy Behling, and David Graves. It was a tough outing but well worth it for the difference we able to make for many people in our community during the Christmas holiday. Well done!


We are planning a Charity, Unity, and Fraternity Exemplification for five new members who will join our Council on Tuesday, January 28th at St. Olaf’s: Tom Collette, Mark David, Gavin DeWitt, Jonathan Jordan, and Mark Meyer. We plan to gather at 6:30 PM and start the ceremony at 7:00 PM, followed by a short reception afterward. Please bring your families and come join us as we welcome these gentlemen and their families.

Reminder: Dues and Donations

Many thanks to everyone who has already paid your membership dues for 2025 and made contributions to Pennies for Heaven and Least of My Brethren.  If you haven’t yet taken care of this obligation, please do at your earliest convenience.

For your convenience, we have several payment options:

  • By check, made out to Knights of Columbus Council 8279 and either mailed to Larry Devlin at 15975 Lindsey Lane NE, Poulsbo, WA 98370 or personally delivered, e.g., at church or a Council meeting.
  • By credit card using our form at or by via QR Code.
  • By going to our Council’s website at and clicking on the “Pay Your Council Dues” link on the right side of the page.
  • By calling me at 360-981-3179 and providing your credit card info for Larry Devlin to input the payment information.

Pennies for Heaven is a fund that supports our Seminarians and encourages vocations. The goal is to give “a penny a day, a prayer a day” for this purpose. Our Council has contributed at least $3.65 per member each year for the past several years to this fund and we appreciate your generosity that allows us to continue to do so. Last year, our members contributed almost $500 toward the support of seminarians. Well done!

LAMB is a program that assists organizations in our local communities that serve those who are most in need, such as the homeless, the hungry, the disabled, the uneducated, and for pro-life. The State Council’s goal is that every member donate $18.82 per year for LAMB, commemorating the year 1882 when the Knights of Columbus was founded. We have rounded that up to $20. Last year, our members contributed almost $1,000 to this important fund and we thank you for that!

On behalf of the Council Officers, we would like to express our appreciation for your continued and timely payment of dues last year! As you know, your very nominal dues are needed for the Council to be able to in turn, pay our per capita obligations to both the Supreme Council and the Washington State Council. This keeps both you and the Council in “good standing” which means that all of our fraternal benefits remain in effect. Your dues are also important and essential contributions to the production of Columbia Magazine, which you receive each month, Catholic advertising, and for Culture of Life causes.

We also ask you to update your contact information and your next-of-kin details. You can do this online using this link

If you are a 4th Degree Member, you may also pay you Assembly dues online at


Our Brother Knight volunteers work tirelessly every day to assist people in need of specialized equipment as they deal with the physical effects of aging or recovery from surgeries or accidents. It’s difficult to adequately express the immense gratitude that we see day in and day out and to imagine how these people might have dealt with their difficult circumstances had KC HELP not been available to assist them. If this is something you would like to be involved in, please contact us at 360-981-3179 to join our other Brother Knights in this valuable work.

In the last 12 Months KC HELP has provided 4,467 items to 2,207 people totaling $1,301,810 in value, $1,639,787 when including hours and mileage.

Inception to date KC HELP has provided 11,556 items to 6,190 people totaling $3,480,070
in value, $3,946,089 when including hours and mileage.

Good of the Order

Pray for the health of all our Council’s Brother Knights as our members’ age demographic continues to increase. Specific prayer recipients are our Parish Family Priests Fr Mark Kiszelewski and Fr Albert Arulappan.

Pray for the health of John Ogilvie, Ellen Strickland, Mary Therese Bartlett, Leigh Bartlett, Julie Beer, Karen Behling, Tony DeCarlo, Larry Devlin’s sister-in-law Gloria Devlin, Gary Fahey, Jerry Goodwin, Steve Murray, Emmanual Rivas, Storm Smole, Nancy Rogers, Theresa Spiess, Bob Tomas, Glennyce Thomas, friend (fighting cancer) of John Rebar.

Please pray for our service men (particularly council members) and service women and our many KC HELP clients.

We also would like to keep Christina Lara and Gabby McCracken in our prayers as they fulfill their FOCUS missions.

Handy Council-Related Links

If you would like a handy set of Council-related links that you can add to your phone’s home page, try this:

December 2024 Newsletter

Reminder: Membership Meetings

This is a reminder to attend our upcoming Membership Meeting on Tuesday evening, December 10th at 7:00 PM at the St. Peter’s Residence House in Suquamish. Our meeting next month will be held on Tuesday, January 14th.

We will discuss upcoming events and activities for the upcoming months. Thanks to everyone for all your support.

Our officers:

Chaplain – Father Albert Arulappan
Grand Knight – David Meier
Deputy Grand Knight – Vacant
Chancellor – Vacant
Advocate – John Rebar
Recorder – David Graves
Financial Secretary – Larry Devlin
Treasurer – Roy Behling
Warden – Leo Beer
Inside Guard- Vacant
Outside Guard – Vacant
Trustee 3 Year – John Wahlfors
Trustee 2 Year – Mark Maruda
Trustee 1 Year – Gary Fahey
Lecturer- Gary Fahey

As you can see, we have several spots where there are no nominees. This is another area where we could use your help, specifically in filling one of these roles and more generally to come to the meeting and join us in electing our new officers.

Many thanks to Mark Maruda for accepting a nomination as Deputy Grand Knight and for Alan Arnesen for accepting a nomination as Trustee 2nd Year. Both will be voted upon during the upcoming December Membership Meeting on December 10.

Pancake Breakfast

On Sunday, December 1st, we held our monthly pancake breakfast with much success. We thank those who were able to help out during this event. Our next breakfast will be on Sunday, January 5th, which will be our first that will encompass both the 8:00 Mass and the 10:30 AM Mass. We will need extra help for setup that will begin at 6:30 AM, with serving at 9:00 AM, cleaning and re-setup at 10:30 AM, and serving and clean up at 11:30 AM. With sufficient help, we should be able to be finished with cleanup by about 1:30 PM. So, set your DVDs to record the Seahawks game and come join us during some or all of those phases. We need you!

Christmas Food Drive

We will be hosting a Christmas Food Drive at the Kingston Safeway on Saturday, December 14th, from 9:30 AM until 4:00 PM, benefiting our own St. Vincent de Paul organization at St. Olaf’s. They will use the proceeds for their Christmas Food Baskets. Any food that they are not able to use will be provided to Fishline. 

We were a little short-handed in our food drive for ShareNet and could have used a bit more help. Please consider joining us for some or all of one of the two shifts on December 14th by signing up at


We are planning a Charity, Unity, and Fraternity Exemplification for two new members who would like to join our Council on January 28th. Location is yet to be determined but it will be at either St. Peter’s or St. Olaf’s and will plan to gather at 6:30 PM and start the ceremony at 7:00 PM, followed by a short reception afterward. Stay tuned on location details as we get closer to the scheduled date.

Reminder:  Dues and Donations

As you may know, this is the time of the year when our Council collects our Membership dues. We ask you to consider making voluntary donations to our Washington State Council programs and our Council, regardless of your dues status.

For your convenience, we have several payment options:

  • By check, made out to Knights of Columbus Council 8279 and either mailed to Larry Devlin at 15975 Lindsey Lane NE, Poulsbo, WA 98370 or personally delivered, e.g., at church or a Council meeting.
  • By credit card using our form at or by via QR Code.
  • By going to our Council’s website at and clicking on the “Pay Your Council Dues” link on the right side of the page.
  • By calling me at 360-981-3179 and providing your credit card info for Larry Devlin to input the payment information.

Pennies for Heaven is a fund that supports our Seminarians and encourages vocations. The goal is to give “a penny a day, a prayer a day” for this purpose. Our Council has contributed at least $3.65 per member each year for the past several years to this fund and we appreciate your generosity that allows us to continue to do so. Last year, our members contributed almost $500 toward the support of seminarians. Well done!

LAMB is a program that assists organizations in our local communities that serve those who are most in need, such as the homeless, the hungry, the disabled, the uneducated, and for pro-life. The State Council’s goal is that every member donate $18.82 per year for LAMB, commemorating the year 1882 when the Knights of Columbus was founded. We have rounded that up to $20. Last year, our members contributed almost $1,000 to this important fund and we thank you for that!

On behalf of the Council Officers, we would like to express our appreciation for your continued and timely payment of dues last year! As you know, your very nominal dues are needed for the Council to be able to in turn, pay our per capita obligations to both the Supreme Council and the Washington State Council. This keeps both you and the Council in “good standing” which means that all of our fraternal benefits remain in effect. Your dues are also important and essential contributions to the production of Columbia Magazine, which you receive each month, Catholic advertising, and for Culture of Life causes.

We also ask you to update your contact information and your next-of-kin details. You can do this online using this link

If you are a 4th Degree Member, you may also pay you Assembly dues online at


Our Brother Knight volunteers work tirelessly every day to assist people in need of specialized equipment as they deal with the physical effects of aging or recovery from surgeries or accidents. It’s difficult to adequately express the immense gratitude that we see day in and day out and to imagine how these people might have dealt with their difficult circumstances had KC HELP not been available to assist them. If this is something you would like to be involved in, please contact us at 360-981-3179 to join our other Brother Knights in this valuable work.

In the last 12 Months KC HELP has provided 4,165 items to 2,204 people totaling $1,316,590 in value, $1,651,623 when including hours and mileage.

Inception to date KC HELP has provided 11,255 items to 6,033 people totaling $3,403,860 in value, $3,857,139 when including hours and mileage.

Veterans Day

Our Assembly 2433 joined other Assemblies in the area to commemorate Veterans Day at the Kitsap Pavilion where we presented the U.S. Flag to open the ceremony.  One of the audience members happened to capture a video of the flag presentation. Use the QR Code below to view the video:



Good of the Order

Pray for the health of all our Council’s Brother Knights as our members’ age demographic continues to increase. Specific prayer recipients are our new Parish Family Priests Fr Mark Kiszelewski and Fr Albert Arulappan,

Pray for the repose of the soul of Tom Musha, and deceased Priests.

Pray for the health of John Ogilvie, Ellen Strickland, Mary Therese Bartlett, Leigh Bartlett, Julie Beer, Karen Behling, Tony DeCarlo, Larry Devlin’s sister-in-law Gloria Devlin, Gary Fahey, Jerry Goodwin, Steve Murray, Emmanual Rivas, Storm Smole, Nancy Rogers, Theresa Spiess, Bob Tomas, Glennyce Thomas, friend (fighting cancer) of John Rebar.

Please pray for our service men (particularly council members) and service women and our many KC HELP clients.

We also would like to keep Christina Lara and Gabby McCracken in our prayers as they fulfill their FOCUS missions.

Handy Council-Related Links

If you would like a handy set of Council-related links that you can add to your phone’s home page, try this:

November 2024 Newsletter

Reminder: December Membership Meeting

This is a reminder to attend our upcoming Membership Meeting on Tuesday evening, December 10th at 7:00 PM at the St. Peter’s Residence House in Suquamish.

We will discuss upcoming events and activities for the months of December and January. Thanks to everyone for all your support.

Our officers:

Chaplain – Father Albert Arulappan
Grand Knight – David Meier
Deputy Grand Knight – Vacant
Chancellor – Vacant
Advocate – John Rebar
Recorder – David Graves
Financial Secretary – Larry Devlin
Treasurer – Roy Behling
Warden – Leo Beer
Inside Guard- Vacant
Outside Guard – Vacant
Trustee 3 Year – John Wahlfors
Trustee 2 Year – Mark Maruda
Trustee 1 Year – Gary Fahey
Lecturer- Gary Fahey

As you can see, we have several spots where there are no nominees. This is another area where we could use your help, specifically in filling one of these roles and more generally to come to the meeting and join us in electing our new officers.

Pancake Breakfast for December

On Sunday, December 1st, we will be hosting our next monthly breakfast. We had tremendous support at our first two breakfasts from many Brother Knights and are extremely grateful to so many who made it such a great success after being shut down for over 4 years. It all worked out great! But, we need to do it again!

If you have an hour or so to help either in setting up and initial food prep that begins at 8:30 AM, or perhaps immediately after the 10:30 Mass to help serve breakfast, and/or to help clean up afterwards, which should be complete by about 1 PM so you won’t miss much football.. Set your video recorders and skip the commercials for when you get home.

Funeral Updates

Fr. Albert said Mass in remembrance and honor of all our departed Brother Knights on Friday, November 8th at 11:00 AM at St. Peter’s. We welcomed widows and family members for this special Mass, which was followed by a small reception afterward in the Parish House. Many thanks to Brother John Rebar for his leadership in getting this all set up, including hand-writing, addressing, and mailing over 60 invitations to the survivors of our Brother Knights. Plus, he and Martha also orchestrated the reception afterwards.

Finally, the funeral for Past Grand Knight and former Washington State Council Knight of the Year, Tom Musha, was held on Saturday, November 9th at St. Olaf’s Our 4th Degree Honor was present for the funeral.

Veteran’s Day

On November 11th, our Assembly joined with other Assemblies in the region to present the flag at the Veteran’s Day ceremony at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds Pavilion.

Thanksgiving Food Drive

We will be hosting a Thanksgiving Food Drive at the Kingston Safeway on Saturday, November 16th, from 9:30 AM until 4:00 PM, benefiting ShareNet in Kingston.

This will be our first food drive at a large grocery store with a lot more customer traffic so we expect that we’ll need more help than in the past. Please consider joining us for some or all of one of the two shifts by signing up at

Dues and Donations

As you may know, this is the time of the year when our Council collects our Membership dues. We ask you to consider making voluntary donations to our Washington State Council programs and our Council, regardless of your dues status.

For your convenience, we have several payment options:

  • By check, made out to Knights of Columbus Council 8279 and either mailed to Larry Devlin at 15975 Lindsey Lane NE, Poulsbo, WA 98370 or personally delivered, e.g., at church or a Council meeting.
  • By credit card using our form at or by via QR Code.
  • By going to our Council’s website at and clicking on the “Pay Your Council Dues” link on the right side of the page.
  • By calling me at 360-981-3179 and providing your credit card info for Larry Devlin to input the payment information.

Pennies for Heaven is a fund that supports our Seminarians and encourages vocations. The goal is to give “a penny a day, a prayer a day” for this purpose. Our Council has contributed at least $3.65 per member each year for the past several years to this fund and we appreciate your generosity that allows us to continue to do so. Last year, our members contributed almost $500 toward the support of seminarians. Well done!

LAMB is a program that assists organizations in our local communities that serve those who are most in need, such as the homeless, the hungry, the disabled, the uneducated, and for pro-life. The State Council’s goal is that every member donate $18.82 per year for LAMB, commemorating the year 1882 when the Knights of Columbus was founded. We have rounded that up to $20. Last year, our members contributed almost $1,000 to this important fund and we thank you for that!

On behalf of the Council Officers, we would like to express our appreciation for your continued and timely payment of dues last year! As you know, your very nominal dues are needed for the Council to be able to in turn, pay our per capita obligations to both the Supreme Council and the Washington State Council. This keeps both you and the Council in “good standing” which means that all of our fraternal benefits remain in effect. Your dues are also important and essential contributions to the production of Columbia Magazine, which you receive each month, Catholic advertising, and for Culture of Life causes.

We also ask you to update your contact information and your next-of-kin details. You can do this online using this link


Our Brother Knight volunteers work tirelessly every day to assist people in need of specialized equipment as they deal with the physical effects of aging or recovery from surgeries or accidents. It’s difficult to adequately express the immense gratitude that we see day in and day out and to imagine how these people might have dealt with their difficult circumstances had KC HELP not been available to assist them. If this is something you would like to be involved in, please contact us at 360-981-3179 to join our other Brother Knights in this valuable work.

Good of the Order

Pray for the health of all our Council’s Brother Knights as our members’ age demographic continues to increase. Specific prayer recipients are our new Parish Family Priests Fr Mark Kiszelewski and Fr Albert Arulappan,

Pray for the repose of the soul of Tom Musha, and deceased Priests.

Pray for the health of John Ogilvie, Ellen Strickland, Mary Therese Bartlett, Leigh Bartlett, Julie Beer, Karen Behling, Tony DeCarlo, Larry Devlin’s sister-in-law Gloria Devlin, Gary Fahey, Jerry Goodwin, Steve Murray, Emmanual Rivas, Storm Smole, Nancy Rogers, Theresa Spiess, Bob Tomas, Glennyce Thomas, friend (fighting cancer) of John Rebar.

Please pray for our service men (particularly council members) and service women and our many KC HELP clients.

We also would like to keep Christina Lara and Gabby McCracken in our prayers as they fulfill their FOCUS missions.

Handy Council-Related Links

If you would like a handy set of Council-related links that you can add to your phone’s home page, try this:

June 2024 Newsletter

Reminder: June Membership Meeting

This is your reminder to attend our upcoming June Membership Meeting is this Tuesday evening, July 11th at 7:00 PM at the St. Peter’s Residence House in Suquamish.

This is the last meeting of the current 2023-2024 fraternal year in which we will elect Officers who will serve in the upcoming 2024-2025 fraternal year that begins on July 1st.

Our proposed slate of officers:



Grand Knight

David Meier

Deputy Grand Knight



John Rebar


David Graves

Financial Secretary

Larry Devlin


Roy Behling


Leo Beer

Inside Guard

Outside Guard

Trustee 3 Year

John Wahlfors

Trustee 2 Year

Mark Maruda

Trustee 1 Year

Gary Fahey


As you can see, we have several spots where there are no nominees. This is another area where we could use your help, specifically in filling one of these roles and more generally to come to the meeting and join us in electing our new officers.

Food Drive Coming Up Next Weekend!

📅 Date: Saturday, June 15th ⏰ Time: 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM 📍 Location: Grocery Outlet in Kingston

Our Council is hosting a food drive to benefit ShareNet in Kingston. Your support makes a difference! Sign up for a shift and help us make this event a success: Sign Up Here

Thank you for serving our community! 🙌🌟

Funeral for Brother Jim Lee

The funeral for Brother Jim Lee will held at 11:00 AM on June 28th at St. Olaf’s Catholic Church in Poulsbo, preceded by a Rosary at 10:30 AM. Please join us as we pray for the repose of his soul.

His obituary is here:

KC HELP Update

KC HELP continued its incredible growth pattern where this past month we helped 209 people in our community with 357 pieces of durable medical equipment, valued at over $92,000. In the past 12 months, KC HELP has helped over 2,000 of our neighbors with 4,173 items, valued at $1.2 Million!

Our Brother Knight volunteers work tirelessly every day to assist people in need of specialized equipment as they deal with the physical effects of aging or recovery from surgeries or accidents. It’s difficult to adequately express the immense gratitude that we see day in and day out and to imagine how these people might have dealt with their difficult circumstances had KC HELP not been available to assist them. If this is something you would like to be involved in, please contact us at 360-981-3179 to join our other Brother Knights in this valuable work.

Northwest Catholic Magazine recently featured our KC HELP program here:

Good of the Order

Pray for the health of all our Council’s Brother Knights as our members’ age demographic continues to increase. Specific prayer recipients are Fr. David, recently new Parish Family Priests Fr Mark Kiszelewski and Fr Albert Arulappan,

Pray for the repose of the souls of Jack Bartlett, Jim Lee, and Janice Schrader, and deceased Priests.

Pray for the health of Tom Redfern, Ellen Strickland, Mary Therese Bartlett, Leigh Bartlett, Julie Beer, Karen Behling, Tony DeCarlo, Larry Devlin’s sister-in-law Gloria Devlin,Gary Fahey, Jerry Goodwin, Steve Murray, Tom Musha, Emmanual Rivas, Storm Smole, Nancy Rogers, Theresa Spiess, Bob Tomas, Glennyce Thomas, friend (fighting cancer) of John Rebar,

Please pray for our service men (particularly council members) and service women and our many KC HELP clients.

We also would like to keep Christina Lara and Gabby McCracken in our prayers as they fulfill their FOCUS missions.

Handy Council-Related Links

If you would like a handy set of Council-related links that you can add to your phone’s home page, try this: